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Webhallen Config

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  1. Update! Some more progress with the build has happend since the last update and the first tubes have been fitted along with cables and a lot of screws and 3d-printed brackets. This build is very complicated in the sense that it has to go together in a very specific order otherwise stuff wont fit. The ammount of space inside the main structure is very limited and screwing screws or drawing cables is very much a challenge.
  2. Update! So all of our parts have now arrived including materials and components so everything is now ready for assembly. Some parts still needs to be cut or printed but everything is here at least The bottom fans + radiator, psu and pump/res-combo have been installed in the bottom chamver so now its time for the IO-cables. The IO cables got installed on their plate and i have started to route them up through the case. Its always tricky to assess what do first in a tight scratch build so lets hope this was the right choice ;D
  3. So we have started to assemble the bottom chamber of the case and its coming together nicely. The next thing on the to do list is to cut out the main component plate and assemble the tower. Oh and our CM parts has arrived, we are going with a 1300w SFX unit and some of their Mobius OC fans for the bottom rad.
  4. Most of the parts for the main structure have now arrived and some test fitting have been started.
  5. Update! Most of the parts for the build have now been ordered and some as arrived. Almost all of the 3D-prints are done so we can now start to do a mockup and get a sense of the size. The extrusions, nuts and bolts have also arrived so here is some pictures of what its going to look like.
  6. Update! So the design is 99,99% complete and prints for the build has been started. More updates will come as soon as parts start to arrive.
  7. Quick little update from Webhallen Config. Its vacation time here in Sweden atm so little work is going in to the designing of the build but some is done remote from the comfort of my home I ordered a startkit from Makerbeam so i can try out the tolerances of the 3d-printed parts and for the most part everything seems to fit. The regular startkit did not come with the t-slot nuts though so i had to order them separatley.
  8. So the design is progressing one bracket and fastner at the time Since last time ive been working on the brackets for the cables and the mount for the reservoir in the top. Next thing will be to figure out the bottom compartment i think. Some renders
  9. Awesome! So nice to see panels and stuff made by hand these days. I myself am guilty of using lasers, 3d-printing, cnc and stuff to make bits and bobs but there is a certain statisfaction to doing it by hand. Great work, looking forward to seeing it completed.
  10. Right now we are trying to decide the cable routing and the holders for these cables inside the main structure of the build. Red cables are display cables, green is USB and ethernet.
  11. At this point we are still in the designing phase of the build and right now we are tackling the task of how to secure the extrusions together without disturbing the outside silhouette of the main tower. Option 1, 3d-printing brackets which would make it easy to position mounts for the acrylic aswell but they might look a bit intrusive. Option 2, Metal brackets that makerbeam sources for attaching beams together. They might be smaller in profile and stronger but dont offer any mounting for the acrylic so those will have to be separate pieces. Thoughts ? A random render which shows the plans for the backside of the mobo and the cable routing.
  12. Hecking yes, thats my instant thought about this! Looking forward to feasting my eyes upon this cool build
  13. Thanks Tim! Yea we hope so, much to think about and figure out but thats part of the fun
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