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Cosmos SE - NitroGlycer

Jonas A - CaseMod Art

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Cosmos SE

Welcome to my 3rd project


This is my 3rd project, and the case that will be modified is, the stunning Cosmos SE from Cooler Master.

This project won't be alike to the others, it won't be super filled with colors and super overrated.

This time it's going to be more simple, slick and gentle.


What is the pannel colors then? Black, Grey and White is the planned colors.


This case have maybe not seen 1.000 of mods but there is quite some fine ones and as well some really spectacular Cosmos II out there.
So I hope that I can lit up your fire of attension and hope that you will follow the progress of this long term project.

The timeline is as following.

Will be finished 30 april 2015


To start it all up I've gotten the case to start measuring and tinker with the case.


here is some photos of the great case that Cooler Master have sponsored


The Cosmos SE!


















Update Log

Panel renders "Exterior and Interior"
Slick RAM Photos
The Beautiful CPU cooler
Prepping for measurement
I ran out of white paint!
"Optimus" Prime and Paint!
Assembly 1.0
Laser parts and GPU

Submission Day!
Rush To the Finish Line
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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is the renders who is going to be used in this mod.


The color is going to be black and white,

but just for entertainment I've added some accents to the renders ENJOY


Please to introduce


interior of NitroGlycer

(watch 1080P for best result)



The Front Panel redo

(watch 1080P for best result)



Until next time! 

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  • 1 month later...



So I've gotten another package from yet another exciting partner!
Yes the package from be quiet! has finally arrived!

Here is the beautiful Dark Rock Pro 3





So next week the modding itself is going to take storm, whole april should be filled with excitement as the system goes togather and shapes into what its meant to be.

So until next week! hope your all ready for an epic finish.

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Prepping for measurement with parts inside.

So the custom parts that will be cut by E22 is going to be measured 1 last time before the order gets on the way.
So here is how the girl is right now, shes stripped down a little so might be a little pron for some of you *JK*









Just got the motherboard from the post office and it looks so nice, super simple and beautiful.
Fits the theme of black and grey perfectly.









Yet missing 2 RAM blocks but they should be painted and finished within the next few days and will be added!







Will see you guys soon! smile.png

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I ran out of white paint!


so I ran out of white paint, which was unlucky i'll have to go buy some more tomorrow, so no RAM or handle painting today sad.png

well I decided to take the front panel and remove the first obstacle towards the new front panel biggrin.png




Had to remove the bridge in the middle of the panel, and to do that I had some help from the best friend a modder can have, the dremel!



And here's the result!







So starting tomorrow I plan on getting some white paint and get started on the process of making the RAM white and the handles white.
See you soon!

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"Optimus" Prime and Paint!

So as said before I'm going to paint a few parts and here is some of the progress results!
For starters I started out with priming the parts, which made them plain mat white,

and then I applied some more delicate white to them.

NOTE: Never again going to try and paint RAM, it did not end as I wanted it, so going to buy white RAM instead!

First Coat. (Bars "Feet" and "Handles")






After Primed and now applying white! (for more WHITE effect! HAHAA)





So what do you guys think? 

Personally am excited to see these mounted on the case going to fit nicely with the theme!

Next time am not sure but hope your all waiti
ng with excitement!

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