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Project Silver Ghost


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Hi folks This is my 1st real post here and its a build log for a Scratch build that I have been doing over some time from last summer until now and when everyone was getting excited about the Case Mod World Series I decided to enter with it so rather than copy and paste from my other logs this is a brand new one and we will start with how the idea came about. 


Last summer When working on a different project my friend Nate who runs E22 and I was talking about this steel frame I had in my workshop and what could be done with it to make a Case.



So We talked over some things that I would like and he got to work on this concept and I then came up with the theme and idea for how it would look once I seen these 1st renders  The Silver Ghost would be very much alive.




This Project has been sponsored by Corsair  EK Water blocks,  E22 and Pexon PCs  so massive thanks to them for the help or this would not be possible :)






The Specs: 
Intel   3930K
Asus P9 X79 Pro
HOF 780 GTX  x2  SLI
Corsair 16Gb Dominator Platinum 2133
Corsair  HX850i 
Corsair  Force LS 240GB x2 Raid 0 
EK 180mm WE Rad X2
EK EVO White CPU Block
EK D5 and Top
EK 250mm X3 Res (White)
EK 780 HOF Blocks 
EK HDC 12mm OD Nickel Fittings 
E22 Ultra Clear
Aquero 6 XT
After a very busy year for myself work only picked up on this again in January this year as Nate was very busy with his Hex Gear Company Launch he did not have time to carry on working on this with me and as I am not a designer or am I skilled with any form of CAD programs the past month has been long process of daily talks with my friend Richard Prins of going over all the cut point's and places for holes to be tapped out etc and really getting things just perfect before Laser cutting the panels, in this time I have been getting on with the dirty and messy work of cleaning the Frame and stripping down stuff to powder coat and paint so a lot has been done to get to this point and have a time to finish this before the deadline. 
Here are some pics of the latest design and the hardware that will be used:
That is all for now folks the next update will show some modding and give you all a better idea of what is going to happen. Hope you enjoy this so far .
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