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Good Day to All! I shoveled a bunch of sites with fresh modding projects and 99% of the projects are absolutely identical rectangular boxes with different lighting and liquid cooling system - if you rapidly flip through the pictures, one gets the impression that the same system unit to change the illumination color. Such a depressing state of Affairs is not very inspired.

One evening came across an old book of a series of BattleTech - and had the idea to make the body in the form of a robot. Thumbing through the drawings at the end of the book and looking at pictures/screenshots/renders of the Mech Warrior games, I thought it was quite doable. The idea is not new, but such projects are few and interesting among them one. Robots in some part do not have complex shapes, also to make it possible from the available materials improvised tools without using CNC, workshop machine tools and other expensive equipment. Making a few sketches of the layout of components, I decided to stop at format motherboard mini-ITX, because even in the transition to a micro-ATX case case began to become just huge and heavy.
Work in progress... Here's my video-logs. Hope the video will not tire and You will get pleasure from viewing:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Trailer :)


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Part 3:


Part 4:

Also add a couple of sensors for temperature control on the Arduino and RGB led backlight. Time work took a lot, but I, as usual, tried to cover scope of work in the most compressed form, so as not to bore You).








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  • 3 weeks later...

Power supply by CM GX650W (RS-650-ACAA-D3) was reworked and installed - the position output wires was change, also installed RGB led strip.



Model: RS-650-ACAA-D3
Year of production: unknown
Engine size: 1806CC
Horse Power: 0.88
Weight: 2.561kg
Mileage: unknown






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