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Project summary:







I apologize for my English, It is not my strong point.

If you prefer to read a more complete and Spanish article, you can do it from my blog 


A casemod will be made ​​to a PC manufactured by the Spanish brand computers Gaming PCPro , promptly model that bears the same name as the mod, the PCPro "Obelisk", consisting of a chassis Cooler Master , Master Case 5 Pro and the themed television series Sci-Fi called "Agents of Shield" from Marvel, focusing on a very special object in the series called "Obelisk".


Sponsors of the project, brief history of the birth of mod:

The project is the joint work of many people, brands and businesses that I will detail below. To them all, my thanks for so much effort and confidence. 
One of the main precursors of this project is NewHomePC , Spanish gaming computer store located in Rubi, Barcelona. NewHomePC brings us to Cooler Master , PCPro Spain and a server, with my brief mod and my English by timid, to join forces and create a PC Gaming extraordinary, not only in power and performance, but also in aesthetics and design, the PCPro Obelisk Casemod by DeKa a filling extraordinary with the proposal and with the whole team encouraged us to dream ... the project joins later Gigabyte , both division of graphics cards such as motherboards, which complements perfectly in power and in the image we wanted, being a brand extremely gaming with exquisite style design, and the project took an impressive way ... Then we looked to maximize performance to our Obelisk , wanted to use cooling liquid to put the highest overclock possible and get an aesthetic as only cooling liquid custom can do, then Ibercool water blocks joins the project and surprise, bringing to market its new kit Ibercool Extreme, in conjunction with the mod, soon you will see for sale with very interesting news ... When it seems that nothing could be better, a trustworthy person recommended me Benq contact who would be interested in the project and their participation was extremely welcome.

Clearly, the dream had done reality!








Obelisk, design in depth

The idea in the Master Case 5 Obelisk mod by DeKa, is to turn the Master Case Pro 5 in the "Obelisk", the subject of much power from another world in the television series "The Agents of Shield" based on comics Marvel. Here some images of the object in question and a brief immersion in its history.



History Obelisk, ( freaky & spoilers -on mode) :

The Obelisk is an object created, it is not known when, the one known as the Kree race, from another world, in order to turn humans into extra ordinary warriors, in order to use them as a living army to their advantage . 
the appearance of the Obelisk, also called "Fortune Teller" is a simple piece of metal with a defined shape and with certain brands grid ...


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But the Obelisk contains within it a power that is only intended for a chosen ... is said to contain the power of the 6 infinite stones that make up the "Infinity Gauntlet" was seen in the movie "Thor" precisely in the Odin cameras. 
The object emits a strange cryptic writing if you touch a person worthy of his power ... and if you're not, it makes you a little damage



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These symbols / writings shown in the series on several occasions, the most explicit scripture is made by one of the characters in the series involuntarily ...




... Into the plot of the series, known to display the map of the location of a lost city, where the Obelisk unveil the hidden powers of the chosen, making them "Inhuman" is, giving them amazing powers ... 
...at the time of placing the Obelisk on its pedestal, it opened showing the infinite gem and flooding the chamber of his power, causing the "Terrigenesis" which makes the character of Skye on Daisy Louise Johnson series (Quake), a superhero of Marvel that appeared for the 1st time in the comic "Secret War" in 2004.


It is said that there are at least 6 Obelisks scattered land with a similar power, it will reply personally to unveil my occult power, I'll be ready?


... The end,  ( freaky -off mode)




Obelisk Design, the project idea...

The idea is to use the form of the chasis as the block "Obelisk", and replicate on all visible components, the cryptic writing of the Obelisk, in a very subtle color, simulating the appearance of the obelisk when it touches "chosen", but fainter. This pattern would spread around the outside, components and partly in the window, this will be done in a colorless ink reactive to an Ultra Violet (UV) light with. This UV light cause the illumination of the mod all writing glows yellow as it would the Obelisk of the series itself. I will make the light comes on when someone touches the Casemod, as it would if we touched the Obelisk of Agents of Shield (thanks luzma!)




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Worklog picture, to date 06/08/2016

Presentation of components


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Mobo Mod
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Modifications to Master Case 5 PRO


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Mounting the SLI NVIDIA GeForce 980 TI


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