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Liquid Skeleton

Sanjib Ray

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The central idea of this scratch build revolves around In-Win's D-Frame cabinet, an experimental release with nothing more than a bare metal frame comprising the chassis. With hardline tubing and a Gpu, PSU and motherboard, minimal lines would be abundant here, further influenced by the fact that here the tubing would also work as the cabinet frame.


So without further ado, here's the idea for Project

Liquid Skeleton

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now its time for the structure... need the measurements and plan the exact placing of the things and the hardware to be used. and start the work with the right bends. For that there is a need for the right bending tools.












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Now its time for some acrylic works, Laser cut acrylic parts to make the stands for radiator and other parts as and when needed.








After the radiator stand, some addition of gold colour on the small reservoir.




Now its time for Gold fittings and Chrome finish copper tubes for the final structure.




After dismantling all the parts, started working on the frame again with the extenders and chrome tubes, keeping in mind the things are tight and secured.






The greatest challenge I faced in this build is how to mount the PSU as its heavy and need to put in the perfect position. So made a design with acrylic to support it in such a way that the weight of PSU is handled by the acrylic only and doesnt puts any kind of pressure on the structure. And it also helps to put the structure in place.




Cooler Master V1000, Thanks Cooler master for this power house, its the perfect power packed yet small sized PSU.... so Liquid Skeleton is going to powered by Cooler Mater V1000



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