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     It's been 2015 since BB-8 was introduced in Star Wars Franchise, since then I've been a fan of this cute droid and been a  member of BB-8 Builders Club since last year in Facebook. But due to my busy schedule I haven't started to make a full size BB-8 last year. But this time since its my 10th year(2007-2017) in assembling personal computer. I've decided to make a static one because I'm upgrading my machine  soon and this also is my first time to make my own mod and a new Star Wars movie will be launched this 2017. I also searched for BB-8 Computer case and there is no one image available online and I hope that this is the First Full Size BB-8 Computer Case that will be build.

    This droid is simple but complicated to build, but with the help of  3d printing and Autodesk Fusion 360 we can make accurate parts that suites our needs. This is also the 25th year of Cooler Master so I decided to make this build special, unique and futuristic projection technology that anyone would love.

    Follow my quest in building this very cute droid.


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Here's the computer parts that we will use for now20170401_211450.thumb.jpg.4bc6499c6bb58e5a7d3c17d855de0778.jpg.

CPU: Intel Core i5-6400
Motherboard: Gigabyte H110M-DS2
Video Card: Palit  Storm X Geforce GTX 750Ti (OC Edition)

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master V8 GTS
Case Fan: Cooler Master Mega Flow 200

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Here's the first part of BB-8 to be 3D printed. The 3d Model file comes from BB-8 Builders Club Facebook Page where I was a member.

I put an Asus Note 8"  Tablet PC and Intel CPU Box for you to see the size of the 3d printed part.


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