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Obsidiana by DJB Modding


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Hi , My mod will be a low budget project , so I will try to use more brain than money :D . , so everything you see in this project was hand made by myself.

I´m in the scratch Build category , starting from an very old horizontal case , giving to it a new-modern look , some serious but not boring style .

I will introduce a couple of details to make it more interesting (innovations at least for me ) I hope you like it.

This is a thematic mod , inspired in the Obsidian stone (also know as volcanic glass )

Introducing the victim




See you soon

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Hola Papang , I´m glad to read you , thx for the support and the luck wishes , I will need all that I can get LOL.

I´m very happy to be between all this mod-masters-monsters , this contest will be a pleasure for the eyes.

When will you start your worklog ? I´m anxious to see your project :bounce: !!!

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Its time to cut some metal.

As you see in the previous images , the back panel and the motherboard support must be removed .


At the end , the hole is a lot bigger than I though it will be.

A new back panel and mothertray in aluminium



Fits very well , the case is very small :?


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