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Metal Mutant Dragonoid


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Mi nick es derruber y mi proyecto de este año es un dragon mutante de metal.

El mod esta creado practicamente de materiales reciclados: papel, carton, latas refresco, restos de metacrilado y cristal, etc...

Esta constituido por una base principal, la cual da forma a la silueta del dragon. Esta base esta constituida por los restos de una caja metalica en la cual no se aprecia marca alguna ni guarda similitud con su forma original y en la cual va soldada mas estructura.

Poco a poco os ire informando de todos los materiales utilizados en la construccion y los pasos a seguir en su construccion.

La forma del dragon esta formada tb por carton piedra recubierto de escamas creadas por el metal de las latas de refresco moldeadas.

Os dejo un link con un video de las fotos iniciales del proyecto.


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My nick is Derruber and my project for this year is a metal dragon mutant.

The mod is created virtually from recycled materials: paper, cardboard, soda cans, methacrylate and glass debris, etc ...

This consists of a main base, which gives shape to the shape of dragon. This base is formed by the remains of a metal box in which no further brand or store any resemblance to its original form and in which more structure is welded.

Little by little I will be reporting all the materials used in the construction and steps in its construction.

The shape of the dragon is made of cardboard tb stone coated metal flakes created by the molded soda cans.

I leave a link to a video of photos of a project.


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Hola, compañera

He intentado descargarme el vídeo y no me ha dejado... podrías subirlo, a otro sitio de mas fácil acceso?

Hi, mate

Tried downloading the video and did not let me ... you could upload it to another site more accessible?

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Hola derruber!

Saw your video and it looked like an eco-mod...until I saw the case that apparently goes with it. It looks very promising and hope to see a great final video and pics. Buena suerte y fortuna!

Cheers and Saludos

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