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Scratch Build: 8Bit White Mage 2011 Case Mod Competition


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Hi, and welcome to my scratch build. I like to make 8-bit wooden computer cases and what we have here is no exception! My other computers are the 8-bit Black Mage and 8-bit Super Mushroom PC. I prefer to use wooden 1 inch cubes in my builds as it gives the pc's a pixelated look and goes with the 8bit theme in that way. I am not very handy with tools but wanted to make a mod so I went with gluing cubes together. With every 8-bit case I make now I try to add something new to improve on my build process. This time I have added acryllic cubes which made it so I could have a light source incorporated into the mod's case. I chose to make the White Mage as I meant to make it a year ago but got side tracked into making the Super Mushroom. With no looking back I began on this mod!

I have a time lapse video of the mod at the end of this log and have some pictures of the build process as I went. I prefer to use the build video as a mod log as you can see the whole thing be built from the first cube to the last. I am not a fan of having a picture of every couple minutes of work. Once I have my mind focused I like to just keep going and stay in the groove so I found making build videos melds with that.

Build Video here:


-DP55SB Intel Extreme Motherboard

-I7 680 Processor

-40gb SSD


-Radeon 5850

-4gb DDR3

-650 Watt Modular PSU

-250mm Cooler Master Intake fan (Red)

I brought the PC to PAX East 2011 and it was well received with other gamers at the convention.

So here are the pics I have:

Where it all begins, 1 inch wooden cubes


The acrylic bits being added to this mod


Heres the side of the pc


With the bottom done with Cooler Master Fan, and front/side wall in progress




Heres the back with mobo in place.




The Black opal glass eyes added



Pictures of the hooded part of the robe


Can also be worn as a fashion statement



Near final pictures before paint




The new lighting system I am trying out


After some paint











This is the White Mage next to my other 2 mod's to give Perspective.



and heres the build video:

The mouth is the Dvd drive with a small cube as the button and the right hand is the power button to turn on the computer.

Thanks for your time!

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Shades of Lego! Well, not Lego anymore but on a very unusual track/take of your own. Besides, as far as I know, Lego does not include acrylic blocks in their array. No one can say that this is a "quickie" mod by any means. I see that you did not try to sand the surface to get it perfectly flat. I imagine doing so would loose its "single block use" look. A good sanding would almost render it a butcher block type look which happens to be another take on this concept that I stumbled on right now just commenting, but since you used a homogeneous and single type of wood it would probably end up look like a plank--not too good of an idea, hehe.

Enough of my ramblings, it is your mod and most things done are your signature which are quite unique. I hope to see the evolution of your techniques in another great mod in the future (for ex. rounded edges of the blocks, flat(ter) surfaces, butcher blocking, spray painting of details, etc.). Congratz for something unusual and not run of the mill. I see a lot of promise and ways to make other unique mods.

Cheers and Saludos

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