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TItle : Annihilation SC2 inspired (Scratch Build)- Finished


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TItle : Annahilation ( Scratch Build ) - Finished

A starcraft Terran Marine uses his whole force to defeat the zergs. With no more ammunition, he decided to throw the crate as a weapon to annihilate the Alien Zerg.

Inspiration: The hulk PC by MaximumPC.

The whole setup


The Base with CD rom drive and Modular PSU


The Space Age crate where we will put all the pc components


Size: 20-22 inches

Since we are doing a scratch built. The materials well be using is very different from the usual scratch built case.


1. Resin / Fiber Glass: Inside material of our Moulding is made out of Lahar ( Real Volcanic Materials ) to

ensure the stability of the Character. almost all materials we will be using are Resin and Fiber glass.

2. SFF Motherboard 244 x 244mm ( HTPC type )

3. PSU 300watts

4. Temperature LED monitor and control

5. Acrylic and Wire Mesh

6. 60mm fans for exhaust

7. Tubings

8. Improvised Led Lights Design

All Hand Made....... Yes, NO CNC

Clay Casting will also be posted.

I will post the picture of all materials and step by step procedure anytime, i was

just approved in this forum a couple of hours back.

Hope you like it sir/s.

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sorry guys, been very busy with work for the past weeks. Anyways, heres the worklog.

This is where it all started. Wires that are being twisted, to hold the clay of our subject


putting some clay on it.


Fat terran marine, without any details ( side view) ...heheh


again.... the fat Terran Marine version ( front view)


Removing the arms (front)


Removing the arms (right side)


Removing the arms ( left side )


Left Back view


putting again the whole arms


right side view


right back view


reference picture of the inspired SC2 annihilation


11 inches clay model...a little over the 2-3 inches as expected


Details of the clay and some hydrolics to follow soon......

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Heres another worklog

removing the hands for flexible support


finished constructing the alien zerg


Back view of the alien zerg being stepped on


another view of the alien zerg


Back view with alien zerg


as you can see, details of the terran marine is now being shown. hydrolics in the legs showing up


another detailed view at the back of terran marine.


Hopefully all the PC parts will arrive by next week :(

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Sorry for im now using a Phone Cam, so pictures are not that clear....

again Heres again a more detailed view of Starcraft 2: Annihilation with more carvings.

it took

Well.... This is where it all Started...hahahha


From a simple drinking bottle with box on top.... to much detailed hand drawings and now....

the Clay starcraft form with box on top where i will put all the cpu components.


A more detailed look of the upcoming Starcraft 2: Annihilation


Carved a more detailed look of the terran marine stepping on the Zerg Alien


Putting more emphasis on the details of terran marine on the upper part


Heres another view with Torso, see the detailed carvings on the face of terran marine...hehe


another detailed carvings on the legs, crotch and knee of the terran marine


the whole terran marine PC Gamers Setup Casing


heres a closer look of a confused terran marine face...hehehe


a closer look at the terran marine hand carved


A picture inspiration from starcraft 2 terran marine


A closer look of the handcrafted knee of terran marine


a closer look of terran marine carved crotch, chest and head without the arms


another view of the zerg being stepped on


the actual workplace for creating the Terran clay.


Hope you like it guys.

Next Will be the Crate where I will put all the PC Materials inside including the Cooler master Product/s.

HOpefully somebody will sponsor me some pc products... ( I Wish...LoL )

Also After this clay molding, rubber molding will follow and resin materials.

This Weekend I will personally get some Volcanic Materials coming from Mount Pinatubo to make the entry more exciting.

Till my Next Post/s. Hopefully i can beat the deadline.

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Im not satisfied with the details yet and now applying more emphasis to the smallest part of

my project.

applying a more details on the back of Terran marine


heating it up to get the actual shape, and carve it again.....


I think i got the right curve that i wanted. also putting more details on the hose


Giving elaborated details at the back.....to make it more appealing


I think thats enough.... heres another detailed view of terran marine from the side


Putting more emphasis and details on the Airvents suit


a clear view shot from the top back view of the airvents


The poor Alien Zerg being stepped on


And now, carving some lines and holes on the arm


Finally, the finished terran marine clay product


Next is the two(2) Crates I will work on this week and wait for the two CoolerMaster Products that will arrive this Tuesday for this project.

PSU = Cooler master extreme power plus

HSF = Cooler Master Hyper 212 plus

still waiting for blessings to arrive :)

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While waiting for the some of the cooler master products I ordered this week.

Even in the wee hours of the night.....I decided to work on the actual frame size

specifically inteded to build the Terran marine crate. So, i decided to use some of my working

pc parts to get the actual size of the components i will put in inside the crate.

Its not that much, but it will do the job in producing the first Starcraft 2

PC Game character case.

The spare trusty and rusty old PC I will work on ^_^


whats inside of it


Motherboard: Intel D946GZIS Dual Core Motherboard - No special Features :(

Processor: Intel Pentium D 945 Dual Core 3.4Ghz - Not that fast :(

Memory: transcend 2gb x 2 ddr2 dimm cl5 memory - crawling memmory :(

Graphics: Giada GTX550Ti gddr5 - it can run starcraft 2 with these but in very low setting...LoL

HSF: Deepcool aluminum and copper socket 775 HSF - and a very cheap one too....hahha

Hard disk: 500gb seagate sata HDD - so, so poor..... :(

PSU: Generic 600 watts psu

I think this is the poorest setup being presented here in coolermaster competion

Coming from the 3rd world country, Philippines. :(

Anyways, still anticipating for the 2 cooler master products to arrive anytime this week.

The Gaida GTX550ti....say what?


This old hsf will soon retire and be replaced with CM Hyper 212 Plus


taking out all the cables that are attached in the cheap board ^_^


Getting rid of the cheap PSU too ^_^


Extracting the cheap and trusted memmory. LoL


Tadaaaahhhh.... the cheapest board in the competition. I guess ^_^


The joker Resin mask we produced as seen at the back


Measuring the size of the board. 244x244 Mini-ITX


PUtting some allowance


got the exact measurement i need


this is where well put the motheboard clip-on feet


Getting the Exact dimension of the HSF coming from the coolermaster Website


Measuring it up


Ive put a little allowance on the height so that it will have the right fit

for the terran marine crate


choosing the right side where to put the hard disk.


Getting a little info of the exact measurement of cooler master PSU I will work on


putting allowance on the dimensions of the PSU. This is the replica box where I'll

place the CoolerMaster extreme power plus PSU


2 of the exact dimensions i needed to build the 2 terran marine crates.


My Apologies for using a lousy phone camera in taking measurements i needed.

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