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[Scratch build] - Project DAMY


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Hi there guys and girls! I'm Karel and I will be showing you guys the mod I have been working on together with a good friend of mine.


As this is our first full mod ever (aside from a window mod or two) we decided not to take a new case, but something old that would otherwise land on a junkyard. The idea eventually became 'Turning an old case into a new and modern gaming system'. We started working on this mod somewhere in May 2012 and have been working on it now and then when we had time. Currently it only needs the final paint layers, rivets and actual hardware that'll go in it. But first though I'll have to show you guys how it all started...

The mod:

Right here are some pictures of the case before we started work.



We didn't like the frontpanel... Honestly who does? So we had to take it off and think about something new. We thought about using the old frontpanel and change that, or make something completely new from scratch. We decided not to waste our time on the old one and went for a new frontpanel idea, made out of wood.


In the rear, not much will actually change. The colour's going to be different and the 80mm fan hole will become a hole for a 120mm fan...


Basicaly, the inside will change... A lot. A 240mm Radiator in the bottom, pump with reservoir next to it.. We're probably going to go for a smaller than standart size ATX motherboard too, so that should give us a little extra room aswell.


This is going to be one of the interesting parts of the case. We like good cable management. It's not really possible here with this case. Certainly not for a gaming system because there just isn't any room to hide any cables. So we've come up with an idea that will fix that problem... (more to come!)


To this date we still don't really have anything to replace these feet. They're not on it anymore, but we just can't find anything decent that would seem like a good replacement. Again we're probably going to solve this issue with more wood...


As of course for this competition we also need at least one retail product from Cooler Master, here's what we'll be using. The silent pro hybrid 850watt power supply.


Now as I said we didn't like the frontpanel. So I started working on something new. Here's the result (without paint):


Also the right sidepanel is getting something special to improve the cable management options...


I'll upload some more pictures later. I'll need to scramble some together as I didn't use all of them in my worklog on my website because I use videos there.

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Well there was the 'Scratch build' option where you can use whatever you want.. ;)

The mod is starting to look really like what we wanted. I'll try to get some more pictures up later today. :)

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