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[scratch build] project "X"


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So, first i want to say hello to everybody here :hello2:

Let's now say something about my scratchbuild, I will be modding my old no-name mid tower case, i don't like it any more bicouse its stupid and just simple, so i startes just with some measurement, just drawing out what i want it to look like, so far I've done some vork but its not finishned jet, it will be, soon.

So, for now i just nave cut out a side panel window, messured some things for fans and something like that, tommorow I will be posting a few pics of what I have done so far, i hope tat you will appreciate my work becouse it's my first "independent" work od modding.

In a few days I wil go "shopping" for some thing that I will be needing for my mod, but lather about that, now I want to tell you something about how I want it to look like and stuff like that.

So my theme is a honeycomb, becouse I just love that sample, so far I "bought" 2 120mm fan grill cut out on black plexy with cnc machine, it's absolutely awesome (pics come tommorow), I will buy some honeycomb mesh for some work and everythng will be red and black with a hint of honeycomb. tomorow you will get a sketch made out in google sketch ( I absolutely love that program :love4: ).

So, that prety much everything for now, oh right I will soon buy my noew configuration so you guys will be updated on that too.

So, I guess thats it, so well goodbye and good night! :)

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Hi, so I posted some pics, in a few days I will be painting the case so I'm preety excited, so far I have cutted out a few holes, I'm now just measuring and drawing what it will look like.

Earlier I haven't mentioned that I will be using 2 120mm red led coolermaster fans, I oredered them so they sout arive soon.

This time i haven't cut window with a jigsaw but with flax saw (not sure if thats the right name), and the lines got straighter, they are not completely straight, but straighter then when I did it with a jigsaw. I started to trace out fan holes becouse I will ust cut out the round hole becouse the fann is going on the outside, over fan that honeycomb fan grill and around the fann that honeycomb silver mesh.

On window i will put transparent acrylics or plexyglass, on the edge of the window I will put rubber trim that's used for triming some parts on cars (not sure for what) and I will tape it with 3M doublesided tape (usualy used for carpets but works great with plexyglass too).

For the top of the case I wil make (try to make myself) an aluminium stand for 4 80mm fans (not led, I will buy 4 standard black fans and the wings will be painted in glossy red and the stand of the fan will be painted in glossy white), on that stand wil got the control panel, the power button wil be oredered form eBay, and reset button and other button will be uesd from other old cases, under buttons will go againt honeycomb mesh, under the stand for fans I will put a custom made part (again on cnc machine), it will be just a log straight white plexy just to get the stand up a little bit and i think it will look cool.

The whole case will be painted in black with a hint of glossy red and some white plexy. (will paint the google sketch so you just get an idea of what it's supposed to look)

so, for now that's pretty much it, if I remember something else i will definitely post it.














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First, sorry for the pics, I don't know why they end up like that, so... :|

Today just some more pics,

I just finished cutting the motherbord tray and the power supply tray, and it ended up pretty well, I tought it willl be catastrophic but it isn't.

I'm just so happy right now becouse I'm done with all that cutting, grinding and stuf like that, :thumbright: I'm only left with 2 holes more to cut and grind out(the hole on top for the fans and on the bottom bot the power supply fan), to paint the case in black and glossy red to assembly it back install the motherboard of my new configuration and the work is done.

Oh yea, and one more thing, I earlier said that I will be using 2 120mm red led coolermaster fans and how I ordered them, yea so, in that "company" where I ordered them they got a little mistake so I will have to wait for them for another 1-2 weeks tops (so they said, we will se), i'm just so bummed about it right now but what can I do.

So, no more work for me before weekend, now its just school, school and some more school, as i said earlier I'm done with every "hard" part of my mod and now i just have to wait for the weekend to paint the case and assemly it back. (I can't wait haha :D )


Earlier i cutted the window on the side pannel, I measured for the fan holes, and now I cutted the motherboard tray to put the motherboard up bacouse i puttet the powersupply down. The work was pretty "hard", becouse it was the most difficult, heavy, uneasy part of my whole work, so i think, because every cut line had to be perfect, unfortunately the cut lines are not so perfect but they are much much better then the cut lines on my previous mod.

Then i drilled holes for the poprivets to put together the powesupply with the gapes for the motherboard usb channels and other motherboard stuff, and to put together the motherboard tray with the part of the motherboard tray that useto be up top with the powersupply tray, I didn't put it together yet but when I paint everything i wil put the whole case back together.

I kinda think that my work wil be pretty much over when the new configuration and the fans arive but I still have to wait for the powerbutton, cable sleeves, and some other stuff for my new configuration, so I'll probably put that into my mod too, so I will see.

p.s. Sorry, no pics this time, they are all to bug to upload, so nex time all of them. :(

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