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[Scratch] Portal Sentry Turret [Finished]


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Another game, another casemod. This time I'm building a weaponized robot sentry from the game Portal.

It has been done before, so I won't score on originality, but that didn't stop me from building my version of a Portal Sentry Turret.

The base of this case is a design thrashcan from Ovetto.


Total height at this moment is 130 centimeter. So it's kinda big :)


I will be posting buildlog pics as we go along, hope you like looking at them as much as I found making them.

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Looks very interesting best of luck to you. I really like the larger builds. Just make sure it will fit through the door. I don't mean to be sarcastic but my Mega Pyramid build for the 2011 contest was so big it wouldnt fit through the door. This forced me to tear everything apart and start over which it the reason the project wasnt completed in time for the contest. Best of luck to you.

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Added a supersmall windows xp, which ( just as on my R2-D2 ) uses a small programm called TrayPlay in the startupsequence.


This play MP3's from a playlist @ random. I filled this playlist with lots of Portal Sentry onelines as you may have heard in the game.


Beside those, I've added a lot of "silent" MP3's from 10 seconds to 2-3 minutes.So... you might hear 2-3 minutes totaly nothing, just silence then suddenly a oneliner blasting from the onboards speakers. :-)


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  • 2 weeks later...

On the frontside I had to improvise again, but I intend to mount an "eye" there, made from a car-rearlight and a small laser.

This is the "eye" from one of the original Portal Sentry's.


To copy that 1 on 1, was not my intention, I didnt had the materials for it nor did I feel like it.

I found at my favorite chinese gadgetwebsite this read tail light with 30 red LEDs.



Very clever made with 5 springmounted arms.


Right in the middle there they left a hole large enough for my small lasermodule.


I'm feeding both with the 12 V of the PC through a small converter circuit.


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Back from holiday, so back to modding; this is the part where I use a Larson Scanner in the top of the Sentry Turret.

A Larson Scanner is named after a Mr. Larson, he invented the "Knight rider" and "Cylon" light sequence, back in the 80's.

This kit is from Evil Mad Science, great site for all you evil mad modders :)


This is the print where I modified the LED seatings to wires.



This is the top of the mod, where I marked out the circuitboard.\



For testing purposes, I let the battery compartment attached to it, but that will be fed through the PC later.



A layout mockup of the LED's.



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This part is about the PC in the mod; a Gigabyte E350N, big thanks to Bernice Slot!.



Used some old Adata memory strips.


With the aluminium brackets, it looks like this.



Almost forgot to mention the antenna on top of the mod.



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Fixed the PC with a small HDD, an old powersupply from a Dell, and added some heatpipes at random, just for show ( this baby won't get hot, trust me ) After this shot, I assembled the lot an added more heatpipes and techy stuff to give it an "alien-techy" look.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As the PC part is almost finished, I can go on with the sidepanels.

A Portal Sentry without weapons, that is just plain wrong :).

So I used two cheap-:) toy guns for mockup. ( it seems using real guns aint allowed... )




The black inlays are way too big, so I decimated them quite a bit.


Made from old CO2 cartridges I made two mockup munition-belts.


Two design speakers will make the Portal-sounds blast out.


Just need to clean up some wires here and there.


One of the guns with a munition-belt.


I decorated both sidepanels with all sort of techy looking junk for that alien-tech look-n-feel.

I had to make some alterations here and there because I can't make a 100% mirror-image.


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