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(SCRATCH BUILD) Operation:Richland - The $15 Cheap MOD


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Good Day. This may be underrated and some may find it cheap and not worthy of being here. But I just want to share How I Did the MOD in an unconventional Way. ANYONE tried sewing or using textile on their mod? its too mainstream using metal. acrylic/plexiglass, CF Stickers and Wood, on what I previously did on my old builds/mods. These materials are widely used for now thats why I deviated and took risk making this mod. I havent put too much into hardware since I only used what I can acquire in such a budget tight build. Some parts came from my previous build, some which I won on sweepstakes on Facebook. I dont have the resources, the sponsors nor the money to build expensive ones, but if I did, I could have built a competitive mod.. All I did was to create a mod that suits my budget. The only part where I shed money is for the mod itself which I think cost around $15. Some modding tools I used seemed barbaric. I did not use the help of a CNC Machine nor Laser Cutting Machine. All done by a rotary tool, an angle grinder and my skillful hands. I hope youll enjoy my build as much as I did.

My Work/Build Log is not consistent. When I was doing the mod, I took video shots more than photos so some parts where I did a mod will be skipped or missing but the Video will pretty much SUM it all.

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These are my main parts.


AMD A10 6800K Richland (On which I got the name of the project) Sounded like military to me or so. haha

Asrock FM2A75M-ITX

OCZ 2x2 1600Mhz DDR3

OCZ 256GB Vector SSD

LG 350W Generic PSU

And the Main component on which I had difficulty finding. Good thing after a month of searching Someone gave me for free. Ive seen lots online but theyre pricey and I can afford to spend much on the ammo can itself.


Other materials Ive used.


Military grade Digital Camo Textile

Aluminum Angle bars

double sided tape


Contact Cement

Needle and a Thread. lol

There should be an intake fan from the side. But When I finally placed the mobo inside. The 24pin connector bumps with the slim 80mm fan which should have sucked the air in into the system. But I have plenty of space between the acrylic case and the ammo can.

FOR THE RECORD. I did not drill any holes on the ammo can.. I jsut want to preserve its structure..... as a result... my PC MOD is impervious to DUST. DIRT. and even WATER, even submerged! when the lid is closed....

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Some photos during my mod is missing since I was busy Filming my build log.

The acrylic used to make the box to house the whole system were from the scrap acrylic/plexiglass I used with my previous build. Being resourceful is my top priority in my projects thus lessen me of unwanted expenditures. lol



Ive cut a mobo tray out of an old generic case. and attached it to the acrylic housing using 1 bolt and screw. The purpose of this is that it it can sway when I close the lid od the ammo can. I did not thought of this until I placed the mobo inside. If I had secured the mobo tray on to the acrylic. The vga port will definitely touch or worse snapped when I close the lid. The space is so tight that I only have less than a millimeter of clearance when closing the lid.

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Test fitting on all hardwares inside the acrylic housing. All seemed working.



I used angled aluminum bars to secure the sides and where the PSU will be mounted. Then put epoxy for added strength.


I missed taking photos when I painted the ammo can. But You can see them ALL on the video I will post on the last part of the project,

Heres the digital camouflage i used. I was thinking of using sticker? But I thought theres no uniqueness using such materials thats why i resulted into dealing with the real deal. Military textile. I had no idea on how to do it but along the way I learned from mistakes and the usual trial and error.

I have no background on sewing so... the end result is that I got lots of needle pricks.



Testing part. Using Contact cement to secure the cloth. seemed OK and clean.


Just when I was started to place all clothing on each sides. an idea popped up. I decided to add a pouch to house the vga and power cables and some other things I can stuff inside. So again another obstacle on how to make a POUCH! but in the end I endure. Wasnt perfect though but for me i felt satisfied with my output.




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After sticking all the cloth on all sides and sewing the end with my unknown type of stitch. This is the result. The Color of the paint may seem lime green or so.. But I used ROYAL IVORY. its just the fluorescent bulb which made it lime green.



And whats inside.


On the other side. I put some add ons like a pocket and 2 .50cal bullets. Dont worry theyre not LIVE anymore. Ive removed the gunpowder myself. I acquired the bullet from a friend.


^^^ See the crazy stitch I did on both ends. I dont know what kind of stitch it is but it came out nice.

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The generic LG 350W PSU.... sleeved the cables with PARACORD.



This is the top cover where i placed all buttons and an exhaust hole for the PSU.


this is whats inside. a box inside a box.


I then painted the acrylic with Flat Black Paint.

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This is what it looked like later. I decided to give it a BATTLE TORN effect by hacking and slashing the paint. Good thing i used a brown primer... the result is somewhat like its rusted. then sprayed the case with black paint as if it was burnt.




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