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NR200P AIO Console


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Hi, Im Benjamin from Malaysia.


This is my first time joining Cooler Master Case Mod World Series
For my first attempt, I'm going to mod the NR200P into an all in one Retropie Gaming Console, which houses the

  1. Rasberry Pi 3B+ running on Retropie
  2. A recycled bluetooth speaker which I'm not using anymore
  3. A 7inch portable lcd display
  4. and i will attempt to wire the retropie to the NR200P's Power Button and the white LED in the start up and shut down sequence 



1) The NR200P


Stripped NR200P


2) Stripped NR200P for assembly and taking measurements for custom acrylic side panels



3) Connecting the power and led pins to the Raspberry Pi and did some configuration on the pi to recognise those pins as power buttons and indicators



4) Preparing M3 * 20 Screws, Nuts, Washers and Stand offs for the Raspberry Pi



5) Ready to mount!




6) Raspberry Pi Mounted on to the SFX PSU section of the NR200P with the right height on the standoffs to prevent short circuiting 



7) Preparing Acrylic Panels



8 ) More Acrylic Panel preparation



9) Size Checking



10) Recycled audio Panel



11) Hotglue and some Acrylic Stand for the 7inch LCD Display and DIY speakers



12) New acrylic side panel, attached the the NR200P frames with 8 Magnets 



13) Preparing the back panel for custom grommet



14) MP5110-L as material for grommet



15) Back Panel with completed grommet



16) The Other side



17) Testing the power button to see if it fires up (Discovered that the audio is not working, recycled bluetooth seems to be broken somehow)




18) Testing for gameplay





BEFORE PEELING OFF THE RUGGED BROWN PAPER (TBH i kinda like how it looks with the brown paper one - gives it a raw retro rugged feel...)




AFTER PEELING OFF THE BROWN PAPER (Looks cleaner - but not as rugged)





That's it for this year, I do intend to further work and improve this build if there is another CMWS next year. 


Total time taken to build this unit was about 2 months, started a little late because it took me awhile to get the parts due to budget constraints.


The images below keeps loading itself into the post.. i tried removing them a few times but it keeps coming back *shrugs*🤷‍♂️




Edited by Klephts
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TBH, I did have more extreme plans for this build, for example

  1. sawing off at least 3 quarter of the case and weld it into something smaller
  2. Maintaining the original front portion of the NR200P and the power buttons
  3. Adding a subwoofer inside
  4. Modding the original 2 x USB in the front panel to connect to the raspberry pi
  5. Modding the back panel to include proper USB and Power ports to power up the entire console

 but due to time and budget constraint, i guess ill have to save that idea for the next CMWS.

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