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mayhem modz

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mayhem modz last won the day on September 3

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    pc custom

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Vortex Dreamer

Vortex Dreamer (3/10)



  1. working on led side plate gpu holder aluminium paintng graphics application and then blue sea paint
  2. motherboard disassembling painting parts mounting contact frame additional cover on chipset dissipator
  3. mounting fan grills. next step creating arasaka laterals frames on radiator
  4. working on fan grill little rear panel on the case.. painting the motherboard tray cover. rear case panels graphics applied soon
  5. Hi guys we start. Creating the LED housing plate, this case has a dual function is a case but also a benchmark houses that can be used as a tester, it has a lot of holes that in my case must be covered, my intention is to build a LED plate with themed graphics. I make a cardboard shape to calculate the dimensions that I will then go to use EPR the cut on acrylic. These 2 panels will be superimposed ..
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