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The Theory

Cosmos SE



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Welcome to my 3rd project


This is my 3rd project, and the case that will be modified is, the stunning Cosmos SE from Cooler Master.

This project won't be alike to the others, it won't be super filled with colors and super overrated.

This time it's going to be more simple, slick and gentle.


What is the pannel colors then? Black, Grey and White is the planned colors.


This case have maybe not seen 1.000 of mods but there is quite some fine ones and as well some really spectacular Cosmos II out there.
So I hope that I can lit up your fire of attension and hope that you will follow the progress of this long term project.

The timeline is as following.

Will be finished at the event of NPF#16 in 2015. (Okt)


To start it all up I've gotten the case to start measuring and tinker with the case.


here is some photos of the great case that Cooler Master have sponsored


The Cosmos SE!


















Update Log (none yet :-D)







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