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There is some clearance issue with the GPU screws and Bitspower pumps.
So i've to cut some part of the vertical mount.




I ve also re-allocated the pumps position and GPU location with Cooler Master Vertical Mount Kit for better looking and making it easier to the loop.

It s alos for better secure placement.


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Done with the placement of all the components now we go to the hardest part of the project.

Tube bending!!!


So i got myself a steel tube bender (12mm).



Done with all the tubes.
Again i forget to snap the process of bending process.

Look at those shiny tubes!!












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The thing that i afraid of.
Since this tube wasn't meant for bending and i tried it.
In the progress of bending it i managed to broke one of the tube.
You can see from the picture.
12mm bender.
Follow the proper guidelines and the tube still flatten and kink.
The reason why it broke into two i ve put silicon insert inside the tube when bending because of the flatten issue. 








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Decided just to go with the flatten tube (i've use 4 x 50cm tube already)
Bitspower sent to me 10 pieces and half of it when missing with the clear tube.
I've no idea where i put it.


Let s continue with the case front panel.

The idea is to show the reservoir in front of the case.
So need to cut the original front piece for clear window.

Prepping for the cutting.




Cutting it with the angle grinder for faster job.





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Do some cut on the PSU bracket so that the PSU is visible to eyes (showcase).
Gonna cover it with CMWS 2019 10th Year anny.



Cut is done and gonna bend it and cover the bracket mount.



Final product.

Using magnets (matte black epoxy coated neodymium rare earth magnet).



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