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Dawn of War mod


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Its the case that matters here. Sure, the parts make it run (fold), but they are not part of the case mod. I don't know if you even need parts inside for a case mod. I have a couple of cases without parts (mostly because of my budget) that are just as cool just sitting there. Mod whatcha got I say. Not everyone has 1000s of bucks to put into their hardware. I do have a workstation/gaming rig that gets most of my attention as far as hardware goes. In the end, this rig can easily play WarHammer Dawn of War and do its real job, gpu folding.

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Here are some internal pics of what has been done so far. There is a fan cutout for the back of the motherboard underneath the cpu. Another pic of the motherboard installed. The last pic is of the hardware installed (except the hard drive which will be installed later). The wiring is very messy right now as the case doesn't really allow of tidying up the cables much. I will clean that up as best as I can. As long as someone can't see it through the window, I think it will be fine. I will post final internal pics with my final outside pics. I do love the red on the motherboard. It goes well with the case and that was intentional. I wish more manufacturers would use red as it looks sharp. Abit was my favorite motherboard builder as I have owned several of them in the past.




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Very nice tight mod on the DOW theme. Congratz for finishing, but (yikes) please don't show your final pics as clickable links. These are your most important pics in the whole log and should be clear and studio quality (kitchen, living room or shop studios I mean, real studios shoots are expensive), in the largest non-clickable or non-scrollabe resolution that fits here (I think 800 x 600). Final pics with lighting always make us drool and a well made video with music (DOW background music?) helps a lot if your mod should have movement or lighting like a strobe, tesla globe and such. These are the clinchers besides a very good log and cool project.

Best of luck!

Cheers and Saludos

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