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[project] i-spider, a stacker mod.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Wow man, that thing is super pimpolicious!!! (good looking)

There is just one thing I don't get. I don't now if I missed something but whats the spider leg for. Will they be case feet? I'm confused :?: .LOL

I really have no clue what you'r going to use it for. Every time I think your done, you pull a rabit out of your bag of tricks. :lol:

Also, I'd like to know how quiet you rig is. For some odd reason I just can't render a good image of such a huge case being quiet. Although, in the begining of the thread, you said it would be quiet. Just wondering.

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

oh sorry, never mentioned your posting, but the leg is a test to check out how it looks. I want to build a complete spider witch should look like a robot.

Anyway, the reason i'm here is a new update! The Dutch casemod championchips are coming up and there is a lot of work left.

What's the planning?

- New spacing between the 2 cases

- improving the baybus

- modifying the reservoir

- VGA watercooling

- Finishing touch the he rearside of the case





Getting the case in parts, ready for updating



Oops, some dirt in the CPU cooler due top bad cooling fluid and airbubbles



The most inportant update, there will be a few acrylic bloks between the 2 cases with brake hoses running trough it. Offcourse with high precision and light effects.





This one was the hardest one because his length. It's bigger because the watercooling tubes are going trough it.

Building the acrylic blocks is not as easy as you might think. First i should make a hole in it where the aluminium strip would fit in. The rough lines are done with a dremel, and after that it takes +/- half an hour to make it fit exactly for every block. The aluminium is pushed into the acryl with no need of glue. After fitting it it's time to get the right dimension and polish the aluminium. when moving your finger over it you can hardly feel the junction between acryl andaluminium.





Changing the reservoir, i hope this will remove air out of the water.




The first idea was to use fibers, but the light output was way to low, so i decided to use RVS wire.


Nice close-up


Because i was polishing the RVS wires i did the rear grill too.


Hard to keep a workspace tidy hehe.


Left side is done :D


What to do when your safety glasses are gone? Yep, use a piece of acrylic instead.


All the blocks are done.

Don't know when the next update will follow, but it won't take too long. In the next update i will add lights and a black piece beyond the blocks to prevent looking between them to the other side.

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Case mod compo of the lan party in eindhoven, 21-23 april, by any chance? Cause I'm gonna be there :)

It looks real good, I'm wondering how the light effects will work out!

(changed a little thing in your post, 1 picture didn't work, because of a missing "]", now all pics are shown)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, i can almost say the mod is done. Some kind of upgrade plans but the system is up and running again. Here are some final pics witch i used for the dutch casemod champion preselection:



The watercooling seems now without air bubbles :D So the mod on the reservoir worked well AFAIK.


Finished the large rear grill.


I've added 2 12cm fan's ( 4 in total), the whole front is now filled with fan's hehe. Much cooler in 2 ways.



The new acrylic blocks.

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